Monday, April 03, 2006


Everything changes

They've changed the time of the Amazing race to be Wednesday at 8pm. This does not seem like a "great" time to me - 8pm is just a little early. I used to always miss Friends because of it's 8pm start time - It's just too close to dinner, evening meetings, etc. but I guess I'll just have to make sure that I'm home at that time.

"They" also recently moved "Las Vegas" to Friday and last week was the first time in about a month that I got to see it. I had still gone to a friends house for dinner - but was home by 9pm to see the show. Well, I don't really care that much about the show - I just like watching Josh Duhmel. (off the charts cutie)

And I'm not dealing very well with the time change this year. I stayed up way too late last night - because I just wasn't sleepy - but this morning 7:30am definitely felt like 6:30am - so the "snooze" feature was utilized quite often.

The Penn State Blue White spring scrimmage is less than 3 weeks away. 19 days and counting, and for all of the planning and preparing we have been doing - I'm suddenly struck with a low-grade panic. Not a total freak out - just a nagging in the back of my head that there is much to be done (at home, work and yes, for the tailgate) and not so much time left to do it.

Tonight is the final of the NCAA basketball tournament. I'm rooting for Florida - I know, I know, I never thought I'd type those words together either - but I like their center (Joakim Noah) and they're up against UCLA - and I really don't like UCLA (too many wins and they beat Gonzaga). I have my knitting circle tonight - but it's over at 9pm and coverage doesn't BEGIN until 9, so I think we're okay.

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