Friday, July 14, 2006


Finally read me some Kafka

Kafka and I share a birthday (along with Tommy "look at me, I'm crazy" Cruise). So I've always felt even more remiss in that I'd never read any of his stories.

I got a "bargain book" collection of his stories and finally read metamorphosis. I've been feeling not so well lately, and as a result, staying home from work more than I ever have, in my entire life - probably combined. The staying home from work actually worries me more than the feeling poorly bit - but back to the story.

For as icky as I feel - reading that short story made me even worse. I don't know if I was afraid that I too was morphing into a creature or the power of the writing - but I had heart palpitations and my sour stomach turned to plain old sick.

I was amazed by the tale and, in the end, really enjoyed it. I'll have to go back and re-read it once I'm feeling better.

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